Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Note Worthy?

Welcome to Nimble Notes, a spot for comments, impressions and experiences. What will be note worthy you may ask? I too wondered at first; but I suspect things will come to me and I hope you enjoy my commentary. I encourage your comments as Nimble Notes progress.

One of my mentors, Susan Regier (www.vantageone.ca), asked what goals I have for the year. Kicking into gear technologically is one I hope to attain. Part of developing a blog, for me, is to "experience" the process. It only makes sense to walk the talk. I love contributing to home based businesses and many entrepreneurs don't have (or take) the time to investigate these now common methods of getting their message out. Another is writing articles and distributing them effectively. Thoughts and comments can go much farther now and an informed assistant can provide the channel.

There are some great resources in our city; young, energetic professionals are willing to share their knowledge with someone keen enough to ask intelligent questions. We all want compensation at some point; however, there is reward in giving. Givers gain and I endeavour to share as much as I can.

Nimbly yours, JM

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