Monday, February 11, 2008

So, what do you know?

It has been said many times: we don't know what we don't know. True. I suggest that we don't know what we do know too. Confused? Let me explain. If you were to write a book (or ebook for today's world) what would it be about? Let me guess: you don't know! You see, not only do we not know many things (because let's face it, no one has it all figured out) but we often don't realize our knowledge can set us apart...all the way to the bank.

In an effort grow my business, I have been reading and listening to a lot of internet marketing seminars and gathering information on how to use this beauty of a creation called the internet. There are some common denominators in each and I'm going to write an ebook about it. Just kidding; that has already been done (probably a couple of times). Seriously though, ebooks are a way to present information and experience that people don't have for themselves. We all have different experiences, motivations and perspectives on "how to" do something. However, the average business person doesn't think they know enough of anything to write an ebook about it. Surprising given we're all supposed to be experts in our fields; but a lot of us haven't put our belief out there for the world to buy.

The problem is we think most of our knowledge is common; it's just that we put in more effort or give it more importance. The computer repair guy sometimes doesn't realize his perspective isn't common. "Surely, by now everybody knows that don't they" or "there's no trick to what I do, I just do it" are simplicities often overlooked. Truth is though, if there was no trick, there would be no business.

Think about what sets your business apart. Jot down a few notes. Before you know it, you will know what your ebook could be about and that's one thing you can cross off your list of things you don't know!

P.S. Just so you don't think I'm a slouch full of hot air, check back to see my new ebook: The Nimble Assistant in your Desk coming soon!


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