Buddies. They're there for you right?
It's suggested you have a Weight Loss Buddy, Swimming Buddy, Study Buddy and now that I've typed it a few times I'm unsure of the correct spelling. Regardless of what you're doing, a Buddy can assist you in getting there.
So it was no surprise to see Darren Rowse's post yesterday on Problogger to engage a Blogging Buddy. Does that seem silly? Maybe so, but I'm willing to give it a try. If you are interested in what I do or who I interact with perhaps we could support each other in blog entries on a regular basis. Here's my criteria:
- Must Business related
- Must give information or perspective; no rants without betterment included
- Must have desire to post daily (except weekends)
- Should be able to tie in services with mine
- Must have an existing Blog with posts.
I'm putting this idea out there and look forward to reviewing potential Blog Buddies.
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