Monday, November 24, 2008

Three Components to Networking...What's Your Mix?

Good morning and good week to you all!

After a much deserved techno-break over the last few days, I want to talk about your network. There are a few different ways to build your business and life before you need to call on anyone. (see Harvey MacKay's book, Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty).

I bet when Harvey first wrote that book, social media probably didn't exist. He notes in the later pages of the book about email and how to keep in touch with people. So here is my take on the three components of networking essential to a thriving business.

  1. Local Networking
    You've got to get out and meet people face to face. It's a litmus test. Can you communicate, live, with someone, where you can't hit the backspace key and reformulate what you're pitching? Can you present yourself with all the right subliminal clues making what you're all about congruent with everything you say, do or sell?

  2. Social Networking
    Reach into the wide world of information and people. Can you relay your personality and commitment in 140 characters? Probably not in one shot but you must do so in multiple times. That's the key. Give sound bytes of what you're all about more than once. This network will also feed the local network if you do it right. As someone who assists, this is a critical fountain of information that I can feed to my local, non-friended or followed, network.

  3. Research Networking
    It was suggested that listening was the first step in embarking Twitter and it's very true. There is nothing wrong with checking out the scene before you jump in. I couldn't help it since it was obvious to me I should be swimming there. Here's the thing: It applies to any kind of networking. Before you commit to either of the above, check it out and see what is applicable to you. There's nothing wrong in telling people what your intention is. If you are researching for information, please state that upfront. Most people are happy to share their experience. It will be up to you to decipher the quality of the information you get. This will also speak volumes about the kind of person you are.
In any kind of networking it's important to listen first, then talk. No one wants to be pitched right after "hello" so don't do it. I believe Mr. Godin was the guy who stated we're out of the "information age" and into the "recommendation age" and we should all keep that in mind as we sell our wares. I think Mr. Mackay would agree.

Regardless, you must network to live. It's up to you what combination you create for yourself. Just remember; what you do in one, you do in the other.


1 comment:

T.A. Smith said...

I love Harvey Mc Kay

Swim with the Sharks was fascinating as well :)