Monday, January 5, 2009

Anything Come to Mind?

Welcome 2009! Along with a renewed commitment to this blog and my techno-life, I wish to expand my world again. It hasn't hurt me yet and in all the reading I've been doing a common theme jumped out at me. People. I have been developing social contacts online and appreciate all I have learned with them. There are a few people I'd like to connect with face to face though.

This is not saying I wouldn't love to meet the people I have met online. I would be delighted to have coffee/lunch/tea with any of you! It's time to stretch a little again, beyond my comfort zone, and think about successful people I'd like to have lunch with and do it.

Since we sometimes don't realize the limitations we put on ourselves, I'm thinking you may be able to suggest people I should meet. So here are some guidelines:
  1. An entrepreneurial mom who figured out how to raise kids and a business and not loose too much sanity in the process.
  2. A celebrity: If we're going to think big let's make it Queen Latifa...or John Cusak.
  3. I want to develop friendship with someone in the Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut.
  4. Meet three social media gurus: 1 who runs a small business, 1 who takes the corporate perspective and 1 who does it for personal reasons.
  5. A spiritual leader of a totally different faith.
The second place I'd like to stretch is in geography. Here's a little disclosure: I haven't been very far. So here's a list of places (in no particular order) I think I'd like to go. If anyone can help create an amazing time on a very limited budget I'd be happy to consider it!

  1. Canadian Maritimes - to smell the Atlantic, feel the spray & connect with the Maritime spirit.
  2. Boston - don't know why, just want to go.
  3. New York - immerse in the culture, experience the pace, & get all sassy! (May need my sisters with me for that!)
  4. San Franscico - again don't know why, just want to go.
  5. The most beautiful rolling field of green and wild flowers.
If someone or details come to mind as you read this post, please forward an email or website address. I trust in getting the information I need as I need it so don't hold back!

Thank you for your support in my development; both in business and personally we will all grow this year!


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