Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who's in Your Team "Hoorah?"

Have you ever set lofty goals? I hope you have and even more so, I hope you exceeded them. So, how did you do it? Was you drive and determination enough or did you need to access others strengths to get where you wanted to be?

Now that you have experienced the cycle of goal setting and reaching the goal, were you able to assess what you experienced and what you did? If you have an entrepreneurial spirit you will undoubtedly wonder how you will do it better in the next round. We all try (some better than others) to do it all ourselves. What would success look like if you leveraged the strengths of others? Depending on what you value, it could look like this:

  1. You could reach your goal with a sane mind and enough energy to celebrate; although a little less in the bank account once you factor in support services.

  2. You can have a huge bank account and one last "hoorah, I made it" just before you pass out of exhaustion or illness...all on your own.

I am biased as you know. We are in business doing something we love and believe in. So what happens when it becomes distorted and almost unrecognizable as we strain and stretch? It's not so pretty anymore and we begin to avoid the work we felt we could move mountains with.

Even if there is one task you wish someone else would do for you; concentrate for a few moments everyday that a person with exceptional skills in that area will come to you. Think about how you would like the work done, how it will improve your operations including what it will cost. Don't be surprised if someone does come along for the price or barter you were looking for.

Two things will happen. First, you will have someone else to consider when you are providing the service/product you do. This will expand your thinking for your business. It will also make you accountable to this person on a smaller scale; but laying ground work for others. Secondly, you will be so impressed you manifested this person it will motivate you to manifest more...and you'll have time and energy for this since you no longer have to grudgingly consider the task anymore. Your energy is no longer being drained from you.

Creating a team does not have to mean new departments and office suites. A small change can make a big difference. In this world of contract work and increasing micro business, keeping an attitude of abundance and sharing the pie will not only give you a growing company but flexibility to meet some extraordinary people with exceptional talents.

Who's on your team? Time for a group HOORAH!


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