There were a couple of people there I was delighted to reconnect with. It was a new event to some. Little did I know I would be heeding my own advice (and getting back to basics) later on in the evening at the second event I attended: the London Geek Dinner and Tweetup; a brand new experience for me.
New social settings are always a little unnerving, no matter how confident you are or what reason you have for going. Networking for business doesn't need to be any different than when you're looking for a date. You are, after all, looking to create a new relationship.
Sometimes we fumble for words to use or decide to not participate in the opportunity despite being there in person. Here are some questions I keep in my back pocket when I find a lull in the conversation. By the time I get to the fifth one and it just seems like I'm firing questions, and there really isn't any connection, I recognize it's time to move on to meet someone else.
For those of you who can relate to the dating scene, here are some translations for you.
"What's your sign" = "What business are you in?"
"Where do you work" = "How do people find you?"
"Do you come here often?" = "Where else do you promote what you do?"
and the more personal: "May I buy you a drink?" = "Tell me what motivates you to do what you do."
"Where do you work" = "How do people find you?"
"Do you come here often?" = "Where else do you promote what you do?"
and the more personal: "May I buy you a drink?" = "Tell me what motivates you to do what you do."
Finally, when it's time to move around...
"...so how 'bout those {insert sport's team}" = "Let me introduce you to..."
When networking, I absorb as much information as possible...which is why I'm pretty whupped when it's over.
My motivation is quite simply this: "What do you do, and how can you help any of the people I have ever met or will ever meet?" You see, I love connecting people. Finding new ways, products and services that can make this world a better place (one person at a time) is very rewarding for me. And thus, I love networking.
So next time you've pumped yourself up to get out and network, don't forget to participate and be clear and articulate about what you have to offer.
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